Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fireflight and Magic

Summer always brings back a sense of nostalgia for me -- chasing fireflies and watching them dance around all around me, and also Harry Potter book parties and movie premieres.

Fireflies don't keep still for long 

We knew we'd watch in 3D, but these glasses were a wonderful surprise.  :D

Quite geeked out about this.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Photoshoot: Summer Edition

A couple weeks ago, Esther (le Mootastrophe), Pei and I (CreativeExposure) went out for a summertime photoshoot...

As you can see, the shoot was as much about the clothes as the locations.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cupcakes and Friends

Cakes on Walnut is now... Cream + Flutter! 

The delightful Lemony Blush :)

French Macarons! 

Finger puppets!

Oh hi Pei!  Check out our new BLOG  

Seeing double of Pei and Esther!